These bed-headed blasts from the Royal Iguana Fur carry on the hazy humour and culture jam damage of R. Stevie Moore, Ariel Pink or Greydyn H. Wolfcow

These bed-headed blasts from the Royal Iguana Fur carry on the hazy humour and culture jam damage of R. Stevie Moore, Ariel Pink or Greydyn H. Wolfcow. Opening your album with a riff on The Mickey Mouse Club is every bit as cracked as covering the theme from Andy Griffith, and Wingdings continues its wriggle through decades of pop culture detritus. From Ouija boards to Easy Bake ovens, Devo to Pinterest, a soda shop tribute to Satan to the creeper on the cover, no schlock is left unturned.

Ces explosions aux cheveux ébouriffés de Royal Iguana Fur poursuivent l’humour flou et les détournements culturels de R. Stevie Moore, Ariel Pink ou Greydyn H. Wolfcow. Commencer un album en improvisant sur The Mickey Mouse Club est tout aussi dingue que de faire un cover de la chanson thème d’Andy Griffith, et l’album Wingdings continue à se tordre à travers des décennies de détritus tirés de la culture populaire. Du Ouija aux fours Easy-Bake, de Devo à Pinterest, de l’hommage bonbon à Satan à l’homme louche sur la couverture, tout y est.

The Royal Iguana Fur - Synth Summer Fun (Play With Guns)

The Royal Iguana Fur - In n' Out